We are a 501(c)(3) and your donations are tax deductible.
While our dedicated volunteers donate their time and energy for free, it costs a lot to outfit a firefighter, maintain our response vehicles, and purchase needed equipment. The Jamaica Beach Volunteer Fire Department relies on donations from our community and various year-round fundraising programs to support every aspect of our hard-working volunteer organization.
Donate Online
The Jamaica Beach Volunteer Fire Department uses PayPal for online cash donations. PayPal is considered one of the safest ways to receive money online.
Donate by Mail
We accept direct donations by check. Please make your donations payable as follows — and thank you very much!
Jamaica Beach Volunteer Fire Department
5355 Jamaica Beach
Jamaica Beach, TX 77554
Your generous donations allow us to sustain our operational and administrative activities—from purchasing life saving equipment to recruiting and training the next generation of volunteer Firefighter and maintaining the facilities where the personnel and equipment are housed.